The band InCulto will be representing Lithuania at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Eastern European Funk”. For the promotion of their self-penned song, the guys have embarked on an extensive tour across Europe before they will open the 2nd Semi-Final of the contest in Oslo, on 27th May.
In an exclusive interview with, Jurgis Didžiulis, lead singer of the band, spoke about their experiences on tour, the magic of Eurovision, an awkward starting position #1, and a lot more. If you missed the broadcast, you can listen to the interview here:
[audio:|titles=InCulto (Lithuania) – interviewed by Matthias Petermann]Read more and check out the video clip…
The band InCulto will be representing Lithuania at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Eastern European Funk”. For the promotion of their self-penned song, the guys have embarked on an extensive tour across Europe before they will open the 2nd Semi-Final of the contest in Oslo, on 27th May.
In an exclusive interview with, Jurgis Didžiulis, lead singer of the band, spoke about their experiences on tour, the magic of Eurovision, an awkward starting position #1, and a lot more. If you missed the broadcast, you can listen to the interview here:
[audio:|titles=InCulto (Lithuania) – interviewed by Matthias Petermann]For more info on InCulto see below please.
Check out the video clip:
About InCulto
„You’ve seen it all before, we’ve got no taste, we’re all a bore“. It takes guts to enter Eurovision with an opening line like that. However, it doesn’t take long to understand that we’re dealing with tongue-in-cheek humour. You may accuse InCulto of many things but inducing boredom is not one of them.
It all started in 2003 – Jurgis Didžiulis, a Colombian-born musician, found himself immersed in club scene of Lithuania, homeland of his grandparents. He never looked back. Mixing Latin rhythms, funk energy and „don’t give a damn“ attitude of punk, InCulto was destined to become an irresistible good fun recipe – full of vigour and with a touch of quirkiness.
Mainstream success was imminent. Seven years down the line, InCulto boasts two well-received albums, a number of Lithuanian music awards, more than 500 gigs not only in Lithuania, but also the U.S., Great Britain, Poland ant other territories – ranging from intimate shows for 100 fans to entertaining thousands of punters during big open air performances. In 2006, the band was nominated by MTV Europe for Best Baltic Act award. InCulto has become a household name in Lithuania. And Jurgis went even further, proving he’s no one trick pony by inventing a successful electro-rock side project TWNKL and performing role of Judas at big scale Lithuanian arena production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Not to mention his biggest personal victory. If you catch yourself thinking you just saw a familiar face in his band’s support team – yes, Jurgis is happily married to Erica Jennings, lead singer of 2001 ESC participants Skamp.
For the best part of the decade, ballistic music made by InCulto is the sound of Lithuania’s wild, young and stylish. Glittering hotpants flashed by musicians during the Lithuanian ESC selection are quite often the only piece of clothing that stays on during InCulto live shows – and it’s more of a practical necessity than a gimmick. As the audience routinely goes nuts, the heat becomes unbearable, as many of those who witnessed InCulto club shows will surely attest.
„Recording music is all well and good, but playing live is where I feel this band truly succeeds on every level“ is a comment that Jurgis gave more than once. Living up to reputation of party hellraisers, InCulto members have surprised many by turning up unnanounced and playing guerilla gigs on the streets, roofs, railway stations, even in the offices of unsuspecting businessmen – purely for the sake of fun. Oslo, watch out – if the stars are right, you may find InCulto gigging in most unexpected places. „We will play in the toilet of an old Dutch lady – as long as there’s someone who wants to listen and take interest“, Jurgis not so jokingly proclaimed immediately after InCulto was all, is a guy who chose singing career in small European country over immersing himself in his family’s huge business in Colombia. When you live and breathe music, no audience is too small, no gig is to be looked at offhandedly.
In 2010, both Lithuanian jury and televoters came to unanimous decision – InCulto were selected to take part in Eurovision with Eastern European Funk. An infectious, somewhat humorous commentary on differences of Eastern and Western Europe. A song that could make you dance in front of your telly, raise your eyebrows or shake your head in disbelief. „It’s basically saying „we know we might seem a bit backwards but don’t count that against us, our recent history was tough. But hey, give us a chance and we’ll prove we’re fun to hang out with“. With borders disappearing, this is a subject that most of Europeans can relate to in one way or another. So just get up and dance to our Eastern European kind of funk. Come on, you know you want to“, Jurgis comments.
This is a really good and funny song and i hope it will reach the final