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Sinplus quiz competition closed now

The Sinplus quiz competition is closed now. In view of the high number of participants, Gabriel and Ivan offered to throw in a few more goodies; in addition to the three CD albums with autograph card, three t-shirts will be given away! In a couple of days when the rest of the prizes have arrived the winners will be drawn and contacted. …

We could finally draw the winners! The question of our Sinplus quiz competition was: On which starting position did Sinplus enter the 1st semi-final? The correct answer is of course: 7th position! The six lucky winners of the CDs (+ signed autograph card) and the T-Shirts are: Cătălin Alexandru (Romania), Martyna Bugaj (Poland), Mats Drakenholt (Sweden), Nicolás Ochoa (Hungary), Bárbara Almendros (Spain), and Fotis Perifanopoulos (Italy). Congratulations! The winners will receive their prizes soon. Better luck next time for those who did not win.

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  1. where are the results?

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