Home / News / German finalists competing in ‘Unser Lied für Stockholm’ – listen to our interview with KEØMA (“Protected”) and win a copy of their self-titled debut album CD!

German finalists competing in ‘Unser Lied für Stockholm’ – listen to our interview with KEØMA (“Protected”) and win a copy of their self-titled debut album CD!


The countdown is on for ‘Unser Lied für Stockholm’, Germany’s national final for Eurovision 2016, to be held on Thursday 25th February in Cologne. One of the ten competing acts is the indie pop duo KEØMA, comprised of Kat Frankie and Chris Klopfer.

With their self-written song Protected and “an atmosphere of intimacy” on stage, Kat and Chris hope to win the audience and the televiewers at home. KEØMA visited our ESC Radio studio for an exclusive interview in which they speak about their musical style, aptly labeled ‘night drive pop’, their debut album and their plans to create a performance where people can relate to the feeling of intimacy of the song.

Read more to listen to the interview, watch the music video of their entry Protected and find out how to enter the CD competition…

KEOMA CD album

The countdown is on for ‘Unser Lied für Stockholm’, Germany’s national final for Eurovision 2016, to be held on Thursday 25th February in Cologne. One of the ten competing acts is the indie pop duo KEØMA, comprised of Kat Frankie and Chris Klopfer.

With their self-written song Protected and “an atmosphere of intimacy” on stage, Kat and Chris hope to win the audience and the televiewers at home. KEØMA visited the ESC Radio studio for an exclusive interview in which they speak about their musical style, aptly labeled ‘night drive pop’, their debut album and their plans to create a performance where people can relate to the feeling of intimacy of the song.


Listen to the interview (duration 9:15 min.) here:


Quiz competition 10 KEØMA CD albums:

In our competition we asked: „How many times did Germany win the Eurovision Song Contest?“ The correct answer was: two times (Nicole „Ein Bißchen Frieden“, 1982, and Lena „Satellite“, 2010).
The ten lucky winners are: Alvaro Basurte (Spain), Benjamin Linz (Germany), Biljana Milošević (Serbia), Agnes Lindberg (Sweden), Markus Herrmann (Germany), Alicja Wiśniewski (Poland), Ignace Laurent (France), Marta Kļaviņš (Latvia), Joel Ramis Mateu (Spain), Stefan Heinze (Germany). Congratulations! The winners will receive their prizes soon. Better luck next time for those who did not win.

Watch the music video of Protected here. Their album KEØMA is available in all major digital download stores.

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Video-Link: https://youtu.be/-0AVdqDHVxM





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