Home / News / GIVEAWAY: Win a pair of our ESC Radio funglasses!

GIVEAWAY: Win a pair of our ESC Radio funglasses!

ESC Radio funglasses

Looking for some cool glasses for your next summer party or the next Eurovision event you’re planning  to join? Here’s your chance to win a pair of our ESC Radio funglasses! As you can see on the picture, the Twin Twin guys from France wear them, Spain’s Ruth Lorenzo wears them, Iceland’s Pollapönk, and Suzy from Portugal is thrilled too to get the party started with a pair of ESC Radio glasses.

We’re giving away 20 pairs and you can be one of the lucky winners if you solve our little picture puzzle: You see the ESC Radio team and various 2014 Eurovision stars wearing the funglasses. But not everyone wears them. We’d like to know: How many people on this picture do not wear glasses or, to put it more precisely, how many pairs of eyes are visible?

Send in your answer to info@escradio.com along with your full name and postal address by next Sunday, 1st June, 23:59 CET. The names of the 20 lucky listeners will be revealed here on our website. Good luck!

For more photos with the stars of the Eurovision Song Contest Copenhagen 2014 please visit our photo gallery in the multi media section https://www.escradio.com/2014/05/copenhagen-2014/

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  1. Santiago Seoane Portela

    Six people do not wear glasses on the picture.

  2. Should have read the above more thoroughly 😀
    Can anybody at ESC Radio please delete my first response? Thanks very much!

  3. 6 people-12 eyes do not Wear glasses– hope to win so beatyfull glasses

  4. 7 are not wearing the glasses

  5. 7 are not wearing glasses

  6. 6 pairs of eyes are visible

  7. I can see 6 pairs of eyes 😉

  8. 6 pairs of eyes

  9. 6 persons, it means 12 eyes are not covered by those funglasses!

  10. 7 pairs- 14 eyes

  11. Twelve eyes are visible, so, there are 6 people not wearing the funglasses

  12. I can see 6 pairs of eyes

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